Step four in Lifecycle Marketing is converting sales.  In traditional sales methodologies and marketing processes the point at which you have to convert a prospect to a sale is the most difficult part of the sequence.

However, if you are putting the energy and attention into attracting traffic, capturing more leads and nurturing your prospects you’ll find that converting to a sale becomes far simpler. This is because the buyer is more informed and has the information that they will needed to make a decision, you provided this during the nurturing phase. You just have to work with them to see if your solution is appropriate for their circumstance.

Selling today is about education and having your prospects understand your unique benefits and how they apply to their needs.  Some prospects may never progress to becoming customers and this is OK.  In fact it’s better than just OK, it’s exactly what you want.

Buyers have more information at their fingertips than ever before, if you provide pertinent information that is appropriate for your prospects and then they decide that what you offer is not a great fit for them, it actually liberates your sales process.  You can focus on customers who are showing the highest amount of interest rather than focusing on everyone the same way.

By spending more time in nurturing your prospects you actually end up with better qualified prospects that you can sell your services to.

After making the sale, the next step in Lifecycle Marketing is to Deliver and Satisfy your customers.