The importance of paid online ads has increased, so have costs

Competition and costs for online ads have increased significantly during the last years. As a matter of fact, a Pay Per Click ad is one of the most effective tools to generate new leads.

Tying Google Analytics & Phone Call Tracking provides insight into conversion rates

Integrating Google Analytic statistics with the Phone Call Tracking tool provides significant additional value because you learn from where your customers are coming. Knowing the different ratios for calls per keyword, per organic SEO and per Pay Per Click as well as their individual conversion rates are the base to calculate current ROI for each single marketing activity.

Get a monthly summary management report to actively manage your new lead generation

Marketing channels like Social Media, Review sites, Rating Sites, Google Organic and paid marketing are all at your fingertips and provide a bunch of information.
We analyze your statistics and data; compile them into monthly management report to provide you with a clear picture of your current efficiency at a glance.

The report helps you to make smart decisions about your next marketing budget allocation.